38th meeting
20-21 April 2017
Venice, Italy
academia ITC Libraries
The 38th ECCHRD meeting took place on 20-21 April 2017 in Venice (Italy) at the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC).
The agenda included :
- Human Rights Digital Libraries as response to the crisis of specialized libraries
- The process of documenting refugees’ status: contribution of human rights data specialists
- Library Services to People with Special Needs: report on the work of the IFLA Committee
- Updates and hands-on training on HUDOC
- Strengthening and widening cooperation among Human Rights Workers: how ICT and ECCHRD network can contribute?
The following presentations are available:
Update on the HUDOC database and HUDOC hands-on, by Stefano Palermiti, European Court of Human Rights
Double Edged Sword by Robin Pierro, The Fund for Global Human Rights & EMA graduate 2015/2016
Human Rights and (non-)Information in European Union: Power(s), Politic(s) and Culture(s) handled Opinions and Behaviours, by Ana Campina, Universidade Portucalense
Human Rights Digital Libraries as response to the crisis of specialized libraries, by Stefania Saccarola, EIUC
HURIDOCS updates, presented by Manushak Guilhem, HURIDOCS
International Library Work at IFLA. Promoting SDGs andHuman Rights, by Anne Sieberns, German Institute for Human Rights
Agenda_ECCHRD 38_2017_Venice (there is no report available for this meeting