37th meeting
16-17 June 2016
Budapest, Hungary
Information retrieval
The 37th meeting will take place in Budapest and is organised by the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives at Central European University.
The agenda for the first day includes various presentations on the topic “Documenting and managing the European refugee crisis locally”. During the second day, there will be presentations on Promoting and teaching human rights and historical dialogue through audiovisual sources and Collecting and using evidence on human rights abuses in current conflict zones.
In addition, there will be presentations of work at network members such as HUDOC (the case database of the European Court of Human Rights, HURIDOCS and OSCE/ODIHR.
The agenda is attached: agenda-37-budapest-2016
The meeting will be held at
The Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives
Arany János utca 32.
1051 Budapest, Hungary
For registration and more information contact Csaba Szilagy: Szilagyc at ceu.edu