34th meeting
23-24 May 2013
23-24 May 2013
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Local organizer:
Armed conflict Forensic investigation Human rights education Litigation databases Metadata Oral history Social sciences
The 34th meeting of the ECCHRD took place in Berlin – it was hosted by the Human Rights Centre at the University of Sarajevo, in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Stiftung Bosna i Hercegovina and the City of Sarajevo.
During the meeting, there were presentations on:
- HUDOC – new features, by Stefano Palermiti, European Court of Human Rights
- Siege of Sarajevo, by Suada Kapic, FAMA Collection
- Museum of Yugoslavia: how to archive non-existing state, by Ana Panić, Museum of Yugoslav History
- Srebrenica-Exhumation: A forensic reconstruction of the 1995 Genocide, by Csaba Szilagyi, Open Society Archives (OSA)
- Data services in social sciences: case study of SERCSIDA, by Amar Numanovic, Human Rights Centre at the University of Sarajevo
- Human rights education of youth, by Luna Kalas, Youth Initiative for Human Rights BiH
- Oral history in the Western Balkans: Unveiling personal memories on war and detention 1941–1995, by Peter van der Maas, Erasmus Studio, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Structuring metadata in polysemic environment: case study BiHMe, by Nina Karać and Aida Hajro, Human Rights Centre at the University of Sarajevo
- Search, metadata and visualisation: an update from HURIDOCS, by Friedhelm Weinberg, HURIDOCS
agenda-34-2013-sarajevo (there is no report available of this meeting)