4th meeting

28 January 1983
Strasbourg, France
Local organizer:

“The European Co-ordination Committee on Human Rights Documentation held its 4th meeting in Strasbourg (Council of Europe headquarters) on 28 January 1983. The meeting was opened by the Convenor, Mr Peter Leuprecht, Director of Human Rights, who welcomed participants and expressed the wish that the Committee would reach practical conclusions as to its future tasks. It was now some six months since HURIDOCS was formally established and the time had come for the Committee to make concrete progress in the execution of its mandate.”

The meeting also discussed developments with regard to the human rights thesaurus and on human rights documentation in Europe. It reviewed progress regarding the eventual up-dating of the Directory of Western European Collections and make a series of suggestions for future activities.

The agenda of the meeting is reproduced in Appendix I to this report; the list of participants is set out in Appendix II.
